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对于支持的指标列表,您可以查看 src/Common/CurrentMetrics.cpp ClickHouse 的源文件。


SELECT * FROM system.metrics LIMIT 10
│ Query │ 1 │ Number of executing queries │
│ Merge │ 0 │ Number of executing background merges │
│ PartMutation │ 0 │ Number of mutations (ALTER DELETE/UPDATE) │
│ ReplicatedFetch │ 0 │ Number of data parts being fetched from replicas │
│ ReplicatedSend │ 0 │ Number of data parts being sent to replicas │
│ ReplicatedChecks │ 0 │ Number of data parts checking for consistency │
│ BackgroundMergesAndMutationsPoolTask │ 0 │ Number of active merges and mutations in an associated background pool │
│ BackgroundFetchesPoolTask │ 0 │ Number of active fetches in an associated background pool │
│ BackgroundCommonPoolTask │ 0 │ Number of active tasks in an associated background pool │
│ BackgroundMovePoolTask │ 0 │ Number of active tasks in BackgroundProcessingPool for moves │
